Lucky me, Claris released FileMaker Pro 19.2 about a week ago and tweaked it to work even better on Big Sur than it did on 19.1. I am careful on these things, so have opened anything precious over the network on my current FileMaker Server 18 running Mac mini 2018. It has worked flawlessly on 19.2. And, I also do run “old” not mission critical things – like backup copies directly on my M1 Air. And they’ve been working great on 19.2 and Big Sur 11.1.
MacOS Version Support
Now, just like usual, Claris supports 2-3 MacOS versions at a time. Until Big Sur came out, FileMaker 19 was certified by Claris to run on two: MacOS 10.14 Mojave and MacOS 10.15 Catalina. But now that FileMaker is getting more version point releases, Claris and FileMaker were ready for Big Sur. So we have MacOS Big Sur 11.1. Always get those little point releases on a new MacOS.
Big Sur and FileMaker Pro 19.2
It’s running well and this is on my several Macs in addition to my new M1 MacBook Air. FileMaker 19 is the winner vs. 18. You don’t need to wait. That is unless you aren’t running at least Mojave.
OK, this is ALL of Claris’ Documentation in one page, just click FileMaker 19 once you get there. This is the rest of Claris’ documentation on FileMaker 19 to answer any other questions you may have. Definitely check this out too.
FileMaker Go 19 Speed
My new baby: iPad Air 4
This is an extra. In case you weren’t using an iPad to access your FileMaker files over a network, you may be blown away by the speed in a local area network situation. Way, way faster. It’s possible your mileage will vary, but I doubt it! FileMaker Go 19 is really smooth.
P.S. I do tend to acquire new iPads from time to time and the speed of the iPad Air 4 is a new high. But, I also have the 2018 iPad Pro 11 which gives it a run for its money speed wise plus even better graphics. You could say I wasted my money on the iPad Air 4, but its a pandemic and I love the green!
Claris FileMaker Pro 19 came out on May 20 2020. Because I work on the databases of my clients, I carefully evaluate new FileMaker versions on copies of the originals. Almost all my work is done from FileMaker Pro when connected to a FileMaker database on a server even if that server is just another Mac in my office. I’m enthused about any new version of FileMaker Pro as I can count on it being better, easier to use, faster and more secure than the last. If you are on your own running a FileMaker database on your Mac or PC, back up your database at least twice on different drives, then test a copy of your DB with FileMaker 19. Test the important stuff including printing invoices and other essential documents.
FileMaker 19 is good to go!
After my extensive testing, I believe FileMaker 19 is your best option. It’s not too early. Don’t get me wrong, I am picky and cautious about my customers’ databases. Everything needs to work. The price for a single user upgrade from FileMaker 16 or higher is $197. A new version outright is $540. has a Pricing link in tiny type at the top of the page. Yes, you can download a free 45-day trial version too. Also, remember that your FileMaker databases are accessible from iPhones and iPads.
FileMaker Server 19
The only “bad” thing I have to say about FileMaker Server 19 is that it only supports FileMaker Pro 18 and 19. That’s kind of stringent, but then you can upgrade from FileMaker Pro 16 or higher all the way to 19 and get Claris’s really affordable upgrade pricing.
I had been running FileMaker Server 17 and was a little reluctant to jump up to FileMaker 19 because I didn’t want to require my clients to be on at least FileMaker 18 (during development, I often have client databases on my server) . Since I had our own Studio Manager product and a fun genealogy product in development on that FM17 Server, I couldn’t access them from FileMaker 19 like I wanted. So, pandemic be damned, last week I carved out time to upgrade the server to 19 and convinced my client who was on FM16 to upgrade. One more to go…
FileMaker 19Server was pretty easy and quick to install. It kind of takes care of things for you during the installation (almost a FileMaker Server installer for dummies).You do need to export settings from your previous FileMaker Server if you have one and uninstall that previous FM Server and read up a little on that. I wasn’t sure it was going to work and pushed ahead AFTER I made a Superduper backup of my Mac mini with FM Server 17 installed first. FM 19 Server requires a minimum of macOS 14 – Mojave which I had. So, you’ll need another solution if you have users on older Macs who need to get to your server.
I’m on a Mac, which you may know as my largest customer industry segment is creative services. That’s not likely to change since I have a really nice, customizable FileMaker product called Studio Manager focused on creative services business requirements. Since at this point there are many more PC-based FileMaker users than there are Mac users, Claris takes really good care of them. So, even though, I don’t have a PC, I am not at all worried that the PC version of FileMaker 19 won’t be as good as the Mac version.
I’m even thinking about buying a PC laptop for testing (OK, maybe a little gaming, but don’t tell the IRS). If anyone can enthusiastically recommend a high quality PC laptop, please let me know. I’m in the market for one.
My Mac mini server is running Mojave. Although I’ve had temptations to upgrade to Catalina which I’m already on because I bought a new MacBook Pro this year. But, you’ll find me lagging a little bit so that I can stay compatible with my average client who is only on the bleeding edge of a new OS when it comes installed on their machine or they are forced to upgrade for some reason.
FileMaker Pro 18 is very, very good, though. And I didn’t do a blog post about it last year. I moved in the last couple years – now in Novato, CA. Think of it that way. But I’m back. And I still recommend that you be on FileMaker Pro 18 at minimum by Fall. Waiting until the pandemic ends might be a bit of a slog at this point. I say enjoy the time you have left get this great and powerful version of FileMaker – 19!
One last thing for my Studio Manager customers who may be reading this. I have to say that Studio Manager 18 will make you very happy running on FileMaker 19. Every new Studio Manager version is upgraded to take advantage of new features in FileMaker. FileMaker 19 is not required, but highly recommended.
FileMaker Pro 13 and FileMaker Pro 13 Advanced are compatible with OS X Yosemite according to FileMaker Inc.: FileMaker Server 13 is not shown as compatible. So we would expect an update of FileMaker Server 13 within 30 days or so.
There are minor known graphical interface issues so far and we quote:
Possible crash if the Add Relationship dialog is moved while creating a self-joining relationship in join graph.
In join graph, mouse cursor changes its shape when it’s moved over a TO or text note even though a modal dialog is being displayed.
The first item in lists is scrolled out of the visible area when the following dialogs are opened: Manage Database, Import Script, Manage Scripts and Manage Layouts.
The Sample Color tool does not work when invoked via right clicking on a field and picking “fill” from the contextual menu.
Video launched from an interactive container and played in full screen mode will be enlarged rather than reduced, which may cause video content to be truncated.
Highlighted items in field drop down lists are rendered as black text that can be difficult to read.
It seems pretty clear looking at the FileMaker help on versions of FileMaker Pro prior to FileMaker Pro 13 is that FileMaker Inc. is not going to be able to afford to do thorough testing on these older versions to be able to provide assurances that all will be well in Yosemite.
Think small. This new Mac Mini rocks! It is tiny which is what anyone at home or in a small office needs. With 1.25 or 1.42 mhz G4 processor and 40 or 80 mb RAM at $499 and $599, the affordability is to die for.
The Mini has the latest OS X Panther plus iLife ’05 (iTunes 4.7, iPhoto 5, iMovie HD, iDVD 5 and GarageBand) on it. You can always steal the iLife stuff for one of your client machines because I’ll want you to keep your Mini as a pure FileMaker server (even if it is just running the FileMaker client as opposed to the FileMaker Server software).
The $500 price leaves you with no excuse for trying to serve FileMaker files from one of your regular work machines. Keep FileMaker serving files with 100% reliability and keep those files in pristine condition!
Remember that it comes sans keyboard, mouse and screen. So you may want to buy a brand new mouse and keyboard for it and a tiny monitor – or use an existing monitor. You can get a 14″ flat panel for something like $200 these days.