FileMaker 19

Mac Mini Perfect Low-End Server

Think small. This new Mac Mini rocks! It is tiny which is what anyone at home or in a small office needs. With 1.25 or 1.42 mhz G4 processor and 40 or 80 mb RAM at $499 and $599, the affordability is to die for.

The Mini has the latest OS X Panther plus iLife ’05 (iTunes 4.7, iPhoto 5, iMovie HD, iDVD 5 and GarageBand) on it. You can always steal the iLife stuff for one of your client machines because I’ll want you to keep your Mini as a pure FileMaker server (even if it is just running the FileMaker client as opposed to the FileMaker Server software).

The $500 price leaves you with no excuse for trying to serve FileMaker files from one of your regular work machines. Keep FileMaker serving files with 100% reliability and keep those files in pristine condition!

Remember that it comes sans keyboard, mouse and screen. So you may want to buy a brand new mouse and keyboard for it and a tiny monitor – or use an existing monitor. You can get a 14″ flat panel for something like $200 these days.

3 replies on “Mac Mini Perfect Low-End Server”

Mac Mini Perfect Low-End Server

Smart thinking from Janet Tokerud. One further thought… maybe manage a whole bunch of them using Apple Remote Desktop? No keyboard or monitor required… Think small. This new Mac Mini rocks! It is tiny which is what anyone at home

Mac Mini Perfect Low-End Server

Smart thinking from Janet Tokerud. One further thought… maybe manage a whole bunch of them using Apple Remote Desktop? No keyboard or monitor required… Think small. This new Mac Mini rocks! It is tiny which is what anyone at home

“40 or 80 mb RAM”
i think you meant 40GB or 80GB hard disk; they both come with 256MB RAM

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