FileMaker News

FileMaker Devcon $999 until June 30th


Just a reminder for all you harried FileMaker developers out there. In case you were waiting until the last minute, the last minute is here. FileMaker Developer Conference 2004 in Phoenix at the Mariott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa has a $200 discount until June 30th. After that, you have to pony up the full price of $1199.

For your hard earned money, besides the conference sessions themselves – which have always been excellent, you get a full version of FileMaker Pro 7, meals, conference shirt, conference bag, binder and CD.

Here are some of the conference sessions that sound particularly appealing:

Chris Moyer: Implementing Custom Privilege Management in FM7

John Mark Osborne: Philosophy of Scripting and Philosophy of Calculations

Jerry Robin: Designing a Relational Database -Building the Database

Geoff Ryle: FileMaker Business Tracker – Explained and Intelligent User Interface Design

Corn Walker: Advanced Custom Functions with FM Dev7 and Interaction Design in FM7

Todd Geist & Danny Mack: Migrating to FM 7 – the Strategic Perspective

Bob Bowers: Migrating Existing Solutions to FM7

Andrew LeCates: FileMaker 7 Design Fundamentals

These sessions look really meaty. Here’s a pdf of the Conference Brochure. I’ll be there. Please, if you see me, feel free to introduce yourself.

FileMaker Deals

Incredible deal on FileMaker Pro 6

filemaker 6 box smallIf you’ve been a FileMaker customer for any time, you aren’t going to believe this. Mac-Res-Q is selling Mac and Windows versions of FileMaker Pro 6 for $79.99 right now. The only slight catch is you don’t get a box or user manual, just the CD and Installation code. More on my Studio Manager Bulletin blog. I don’t know how long this deal will last.

Books FileMaker Resources Web/Tech

First Available FileMaker 7 Book

SamsTeachYourselfFM7in24hrsOK. I ordered my first FileMaker 7 book tonight from Amazon: Sams Teach Yourself FIleMaker in 24 Hours by Jesse Feiler. They are saying it is available and in stock now! There’s one review at Amazon from an experienced FileMaker user and she is quite positive about the book. Kinda doesn’t matter to me. It’s a FileMaker 7 book. I want it. Damages only $16.99.

By the way, Feiler has written lots of Macintosh books and two FileMaker books including one on scripting and calculations. I take that to mean he’s a pretty good writer and knows enough FileMaker to provide value.

I plan to buy several FileMaker 7 books. And a bunch are in the works. I’ll be writing more about books soon.

Migrating to FM7 Web/Tech

How to get 6 with FileMaker 7

Little Known Fact Department

Those ordering FileMaker 7 can get a FileMaker 6 installation CD and installation codes as a free add-0n by making a request that FileMaker 6 be included so that they can gradually migrate to 7 and run FileMaker Pro 6 until they are ready to switch completely to 7.

fmp6 box smallI haven’t tried this request yet, so I don’t know all the particulars. But I’ve been assured by multiple parties that it works. Individual product purchases and upgrades may not be covered. Volume licenses are covered. It appears that the only way you get this deal is when you buy direct from FileMaker Inc.

If you have any question about your readiness for 7 and you don’t already have FileMaker Pro 6, buy yourself some extra flexibility. You don’t have to choose between 6 or 7. Get both. Purchasing 6 without 7 makes no sense and, at this point, purchasing 7 without 6 makes equally little sense.

FileMaker Pro 7.0 (please note the “.0”) is a new, complex product with immature support around it. As with any product upgrade of this magnitude, it has more bugs, limitations and rough edges than it will have once it is subjected to the scrutiny and demands of early adopters. This is not meant as criticism. FileMaker 7 is surprisingly useable and reliable – already. But, if you have a mission critical application, it’s too early in FileMaker 7’s product life-cycle to be switching over.

Anyone with a significant investment in FileMaker who is eager to gain the benefits of 7 should be working on migration preparation and planning, experimenting with FileMaker 7 development while still relying on FileMaker 6 for anything you depend on.

FileMaker Wishlist Web/Tech

FileMaker 7 Portals and Parameters

At the moment good information about FileMaker 7 real world behavior is still in short supply. One source I found recently, The Blinkerfish Logs, has a really nice post on FileMaker 7 as it pertains to portals, related records and script parameters. FileMaker heavy, Ernest Koe, has written some high quality stuff: potent, compact, important, useful information. Check it out!