Migrating to FM7 Web/Tech

How to get 6 with FileMaker 7

Little Known Fact Department

Those ordering FileMaker 7 can get a FileMaker 6 installation CD and installation codes as a free add-0n by making a request that FileMaker 6 be included so that they can gradually migrate to 7 and run FileMaker Pro 6 until they are ready to switch completely to 7.

fmp6 box smallI haven’t tried this request yet, so I don’t know all the particulars. But I’ve been assured by multiple parties that it works. Individual product purchases and upgrades may not be covered. Volume licenses are covered. It appears that the only way you get this deal is when you buy direct from FileMaker Inc.

If you have any question about your readiness for 7 and you don’t already have FileMaker Pro 6, buy yourself some extra flexibility. You don’t have to choose between 6 or 7. Get both. Purchasing 6 without 7 makes no sense and, at this point, purchasing 7 without 6 makes equally little sense.

FileMaker Pro 7.0 (please note the “.0”) is a new, complex product with immature support around it. As with any product upgrade of this magnitude, it has more bugs, limitations and rough edges than it will have once it is subjected to the scrutiny and demands of early adopters. This is not meant as criticism. FileMaker 7 is surprisingly useable and reliable – already. But, if you have a mission critical application, it’s too early in FileMaker 7’s product life-cycle to be switching over.

Anyone with a significant investment in FileMaker who is eager to gain the benefits of 7 should be working on migration preparation and planning, experimenting with FileMaker 7 development while still relying on FileMaker 6 for anything you depend on.

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