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FileMaker Help Trick + Cool New Mac Evernote


I pasted a page from FileMaker 9’s online help into a TextEdit document because I wanted to have it handy for a project I’m working on. I had not tried clicking on the links in TextEdit but was pleasantly surprised today when I did. The link worked.

When you click on a link from a TextEdit document that contains an excerpt from FileMaker help in it, it links you to and brings up an html document on your computer in TextEdit for that particular topic you linked to. Very cool. At that point, you seem to be able to cruise around without using the Macintosh Help application.

By the way, I then tried copying and pasting some of the help into my FileMaker Notes Evernote notebook (Evernote is now available for Mac as a Beta). Unfortunately, the html links to my local machine were lost in the paste. Hopefully that will be fixed.


Because I think Evernote is a cool note-taking tool for FileMaker developers, I’ll mention a few more things. You can see a bunch of instructional videos about Evernote. One reason Evernote is so cool is that you can access your data from any of your machines or from the web or from your iPhone or other mobile phone. The iPhone version of Evernote came out today! One of the things you can do is photograph things like your handwritten notes and diagrams in notebooks or on cocktail napkins. Your iSight camera will work too. Evernote does handwriting recognition on the photos automatically.

2 replies on “FileMaker Help Trick + Cool New Mac Evernote”

I can’t stand Apple’s Help app. The first thing I do when a new version of FileMaker comes out is open up the app’s contents and bookmark:
Even the online version is faster than waiting for Help to launch:

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