FileMaker Deals

FileMaker 7 and 6 hot deals

FM7_Box_SmallI was surprised to see that eDirect Software is selling FileMaker 7 for Windows full copies CD-only without the manual and box for $109.99. They are also selling FileMaker 6 for $69.99. I got directed by a Google ad on FM Forums. You can call them toll free at 866-449-5567. I’m not making money off this in case you are wondering. Just an amazing offer if you are in the market for FileMaker 6 or 7.

I haven’t bought from eDirect before but they’ve got something that says “Overall Store Rating: 5 stars Amazon Marketplace” featured prominently and my guess is that they couldn’t get away with that if it weren’t true. Worth checking out if you need some extra copies of 6 or 7 for Windows.